While at Fun Spot Emily and Kaylie, with the help of some eager parents, accumulated a large number of tickets. As the day was winding down, Todd and I took Emily downstairs to cash in her tickets. She picked a wonderful prize for 250 tickets. Those of you not familiar with Fun Spot that is equivalent to about$20 American dollars. The rest of the crew was trying desperately to finish their cupful of tokens when Emily showed Kaylie her prize. You know the rest...Kaylie wanted the same exact thing. So all the adults quickly counted(put the tickets into a machine) their tickets to see where we stood. We were short. Mike and Todd daringly took the girls downstairs so Kaylie could pick her prize while Keelie, Steph and I frantically cashed in $3 dollars for tokens and strategically picked out the game with the highest possible ticket jackpot. We decided on the Wonder Well. It resembles that big wheel that people spin on The Price Is Right. Steph went, earned 30 tickets. I went earning a whopping 10 tickets. Keelie's turn. Long story short, we had to borrow tokens from a 10-year-girl behind us due to machine malfunction. She earned just enough to give Kaylie the 250 needed to get her prize. Crisis averted. Girls left happy. Oh, Emily and Kaylie left happy too.

Sorry about the picture. That is Emily and Kaylie holding up their loot. The most inexpensive looking toy pony I have ever laid eyes on. :) Whatever makes the kids happy.