Recently we headed out to Williamstown to visit Julie, Jeff and the kids. This visit wasn't like ones in the past, we decided to add a physical aspect to it and do some running. The boys ran a 5k on Saturday to benefit the
Berkshire Humane Society and the girls walked a mile with Biscuit. It was a great turnout and the amount of dogs that participated was great. Great cause, great time.
Reading of Fancy Nancy at local bookstore
The boys pre-race.
Just a few of the canines involved
Todd so wanted to beat this girl!
Father and Daughter running to the finish line.
J and Jeff
Crossing the finish line
No 5k is complete without some child labor
Allotted break time for the kids
Sprinkler time!!!
Not a good idea to give the 3 year old the hose
But that smile is well worth it!
What is missing from this posting is pictures of Julie and I running the 34th Annual Steve Zemianek Bennington Road Race in North Bennington, VT. This was our first 10k ever. It was a gorgeous day and the route was so pretty. I am just sorry that I haven't been able to run since this outing. Hoping to get out there soon and put my new sneaks to good use and give Julie a run for her money in the next race.
Thanks Julie and family for a great weekend!